Although the patient declined kidney biopsy or transplant nephrectomy, acute rejection due to ICI therapy was clinically suspected, steroids were initiated, and the patients pain and hematuria resolved

Although the patient declined kidney biopsy or transplant nephrectomy, acute rejection due to ICI therapy was clinically suspected, steroids were initiated, and the patients pain and hematuria resolved. ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; irAE, immune-related adverse events; HD, hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal

Interestingly, most of the poor performance in the CIs for CTMLE0 is from the over-estimated point estimate, while for CTMLE0* is mainly from under-estimation of the point estimate

Interestingly, most of the poor performance in the CIs for CTMLE0 is from the over-estimated point estimate, while for CTMLE0* is mainly from under-estimation of the point estimate. Open in a separate window Figure 3. Comparison of CTMLE0 and CTMLE0*.