[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 33. ( 0.05); the prevalence for type O was the highest (62.5%), and the prevalence for type B was the lowest (49.1%). The average optical density ideals for antibody to rNorwalk and rMxV were lowest among college students with type B. The number of college students who did not possess antibody to any of the three antigens was the highest for blood type B (6.9%) compared to additional blood types (0.8 to 3.4% [ 0.006]). The antibody prevalence also assorted with the hometown residencies of the college students before becoming a member of the armed service, with the highest rates for college students from rural areas, lower rates for college students from small towns or villages, and the lowest rates for college students from large towns. The numbers of college students who did not possess antibody to any of the three antigens were highest for college students from your large cities, lower for college students TVB-3664 from small towns or villages, and least expensive for college students from rural areas. The distribution of ABO blood types did not differ among the three organizations. These data suggest that NVs are common in China and that both genetic and environmental factors play a role in NV illness. Noroviruses (NVs), previously known as Norwalk-like viruses or TVB-3664 small round organized viruses, belong to the genus of the value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS Demographics of the study human population. The 588 college students were randomly selected from 2, 000 college students currently enrolled in the First Armed service Medical University or college in China; 298 were male, and 290 were female. The median age was 20.5 years (range, 17 to 24 years). The college students came from 24 of the 28 provinces in China and were divided into three organizations according to their hometown residencies prior to joining the armed service; 285 were from rural areas, 128 were TVB-3664 from small towns or villages, and 175 were from large towns. Student blood types were 22.1, 36.7, 31.3, and 9.9% types A, B, O, and AB, respectively (Table ?(Table1),1), ideals comparable to the percentages of the national distribution (29.0, 28.3, 33.8, and 8.5%, respectively). The distribution of ABO blood types of college students was not significantly different relating to hometown residency (Table ?(Table11). TVB-3664 TABLE 1. Distributions of ABO blood types of Chinese military medical college students according to their hometown residency 0.05). Strain-specific prevalence of antibody to three NVs. Of the 588 serum samples tested, specific IgG antibodies were recognized in 523 (88.9%), 318 (54.1%), and 529 (90.0%) serum samples to rNorwalk, rMxV, and rVA387, respectively; these ideals were significantly different (2 = 282.9, df = 2, 0.01). There was no difference between genders in prevalence of antibody to any or all of the three antigens (data not shown). About half (49%) of the college students experienced antibodies to all three antigens, 39% experienced antibodies to two antigens, 8% experienced antibodies to one antigen, and 4% did not possess antibody to any of the three antigens (observe Table ?Table33). TABLE 3. Numbers of college students with antibody to all three, two, one, or no antigens relating to blood type 0.05); type O was the most common (62.5%), and type B was the least prevalent (49.1%; Table ?Table2).2). The prevalence of antibody to rNorwalk and rVA387 also was highest among type O college students compared to the additional blood types, although the data were not statistically significant (Table ?(Table2).2). The distribution of college students who did not possess antibody to any of the three antigens also was highest among type B individuals (6.9%) compared to additional blood types (0.8 to 3.4%, 0.006) (Table ?(Table3).3). The mean titers of antibody (i.e., the ODs) to rNorwalk and rMxV were lowest among college students with type B (= 0.008 and = 0.010, respectively), but there was no significant difference in the mean titers of antibody to strain VA387 (Table ?(Table44). TABLE 2. Detection of IgG antibody to rNorwalk, rMxV, and rVA387 in sera of Chinese military medical college students with different blood types 0.05). Prevalence of antibody to NVs among college students with different hometown residency. The prevalence of antibody to all three antigens was significantly different among college students with different hometown residencies. Students who came from rural areas experienced the highest antibody prevalences, college students who came from small towns or villages experienced lower antibody prevalences, and college students who came from the large towns experienced the lowest prevalences of antibody to all three antigens (Table ?(Table5).5). The numbers TVB-3664 of Mouse monoclonal to INHA college students who did not possess an.

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