(C) Venn diagram of BRD4 interactors determined by every trypsin digestion method. determined by Fas C- Terminal Tripeptide each technique. NIHMS913308-health supplement-4.xls (63K) GUID:?6F733540-AD19-43BD-BF2B-092506F5BA30 5: Supplemental desk S5: Protein quantified in the BRD4 interactome research as well as the MiST scores of RelA-Prey and IgG-Prey. This desk includes six speadsheets as the following.Spreadsheet 1. Protein which were quantified by ABC technique as well as the MiST ratings of IgG-Prey and RelA-Prey. Spreadsheet 2. Protein which were quantified by TFE technique as well as the MiST Adipor2 ratings of IgG-Prey and RelA-Prey. Spreadsheet 3. Protein which were quantified by urea technique as well as the MiST ratings of IgG-Prey and RelA-Prey. Spreadsheet 4. Protein which were quantified by SDS-FASP technique as well as the MiST ratings of IgG-Prey and RelA-Prey. Spreadsheet 5. Protein which were quantified by SDS-gel technique as well as the MiST ratings of IgG-Prey and RelA-Prey. Speadsheet 6. BRD4 interactors. NIHMS913308-health supplement-5.xls (2.1M) GUID:?B7B984AD-7053-4A32-95CD-824FE1015F9E Abstract Affinity purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS) is among the most approach to choice for discovering protein-protein Fas C- Terminal Tripeptide interactions (PPIs) in indigenous conditions. The achievement of AP-MS depends upon the performance of trypsin digestive function as well as the recovery from the tryptic peptides for MS evaluation. A number of different protocols have already been useful for trypsin digestion of protein complexes in AP-MS studies, but no systematic studies have been conducted on the impact of trypsin digestion conditions on the identification of PPIs. Here, we used NFB/RelA and Bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) as baits and Fas C- Terminal Tripeptide test five distinct trypsin digestion methods (two using on-bead, three using elution-digestion protocols). Although the performance of the trypsin digestion protocols change slightly depending on the different baits, antibodies and cell lines used, we found that elution-digestion methods consistently outperformed on-beads digestion methods. The high-abundance interactors can be identified universally by all five methods, but the identification of low-abundance RelA interactors is significantly affected by the choice of trypsin digestion method. We also found that different digestion protocols influence the selected reaction monitoring (SRM)-MS quantification of PPIs, suggesting that optimization of trypsin digestion conditions may be required for robust targeted analysis of PPIs. test was used to assess statistical significance of protein abundances using a 5% permutation-based FDR adjustment. Venn diagram was generated by using a Web tool, InteractiVenn (http://www.interactivenn.net/).30 Scoring and Analyzing the RelA Interactome Each MS dataset was analyzed by the mass spectrometry interaction statistics (MiST) algorithm. The possibility of each identified protein being a RelA interactor or IgG interactor was scored by the MiST algorithm.6,10,31 Two criteria were used to determine which proteins were specific RelA interactors: 1) prey proteins with a RelA-prey MiST score 0.75 and IgG-prey Mist score 0.75; 2) the enrichment of the proteins in RelA IP relative to negative control IgG was statistically significant (P value of Students two sample test with permutation-based FDR adjustment 0.05). Network analysis and visualization The identified RelA interactors were subjected to STRING v10 (http://string-db.org) to explore the interaction between the RelA interactors.32 Only the interactions with experimentally determined interaction score 0.75 are considered to be true PPIs. The new RelA-prey interactions identified from this study and the connections between RelA interactors were combined and analyzed by Cytoscape v 3.4.0. (http://cytoscape-publications.tumblr.com/archive).33 The connectivity of RelA interactors was analyzed using the NetworkAanlyzer tool of Cytoscape. NetworkAanlyzer calculates the neighborhood connectivity of a node n as the average connectivity of all neighbors of n. The neighborhood connectivity distribution gives the average of the neighborhood connectivity of all nodes n with k neighbors for k = 0,1,.34,35 Stable isotope dilution (SID)-SRM-MS and data analysis The SID-SRM-MS assays were developed as described previously.36,37 The three or four highest intensity y ions in MS/MS were selected to generate the SRM Q1/Q3 transition. The collision energy (CE) breakdown curve of each Q1/Q3 transition was acquired so as to select the optimal CE. The S-lens voltage breakdown curve of each precursor ion was acquired in the same fashion.The signature peptides and SRM parameters for protein RelA, nuclear factor NFB p105 subunit (NFKB1), NFB p100 subunit (NFKB2), NFB inhibitor alpha (NFKBIA), NFB inhibitor beta (NFKBIB), and NFB inhibitor epsilon (NFKBIE) are listed in Supplemental Table S2. The peptides were chemically synthesized incorporating isotopically labeled [13C615N4] arginine or [13C615N2] lysine to a 99% isotopic enrichment (Thermo Scientific). The RelA complex was digested as described above. The tryptic digests were reconstituted in 30 L of 5% formic acid/0.01% trifluoroacetic acid. An aliquot of 10 L of diluted stable isotope-labeled standard (SIS) peptides was added to each tryptic.
(C) Venn diagram of BRD4 interactors determined by every trypsin digestion method