RT-qPCR was performed on MasterCycler RealPlex4 RT-PCR system (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.) using 2 KAPA SYBR FAST qPCR Grasp CCT128930 Mix (KAPA BIOSYSTEMS, Boston, MA, USA) according to manufacturers instructions. cells. RH1-resistant cells also acquire resistance to conventional therapeutics while remaining susceptible to c-KIT-targeted therapy. Data show that RH1 can be useful to treat cancers in the NQO1-impartial way, and targeting of the cancer stem cells might be an effective approach for combating resistance to RH1 therapy. 0.05, *** 0.01, = 3. (C). Apoptosis assay. MDA-P and MDA-R cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of RH1 for 2 h and then cultured in drug-free medium for another 48 h. Apoptosis was assayed using acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining. Bars are SD, significant differences are marked by asterisks: * 0.1, ** 0.05, = 3. (D). Quantification of flow cytometric nexin-based apoptosis assay. Cells were untreated or treated with 50 nM RH1 for 2 h and stained with Guava Nexin reagent after 48 h. Bars are SD, significant difference is marked by asterisks: ** 0.05, = 3. (E). NQO1 activity assay. The initial rate of RH1 reduction using NADPH cofactor represents NQO1 activity in the cell lysates where cell lysate of A549 cells is usually acting as a positive control. Bars are SD, differences between A549 as a positive control and other samples are significant ( 0.01), = 3. (F). NQO2 activity assay. The initial rate of RH1 reduction using NMEH cofactor represents NQO2 activity in the cell lysates. Bars are SD, difference between A549 as a positive control and other samples are significant ( 0.01), = 3. (G). MDA-P and MDA-R were treated with RH1 in the presence or absence of antioxidant DPPD. Cell survival after 96 h was estimated by MTT assay. Bars are SD. (H). MDA-P and MDA-R were treated with RH1 in the presence or absence of NQO1 inhibitor ES936. Cell survival after 96 h was estimated by MTT assay. Bars are SD. RH1-resistant CCT128930 MDA-MB-231 cells were derived from the parental drug-sensitive cell line by continuous selection with RH1. Cells were treated with the increasing Thbs2 dose of RH1 with subsequent recovery and repopulation. The IC50 values have been measured for MDA-MB-231 parental (designated thereafter as MDA-P) and RH1 selected MDA-MB-231 (designated thereafter as MDA-R) cells by the MTT test (Physique 1B). In MDA-R cells, the IC50 concentration of RH1 was 91.9 9.7 nM compared to 6.5 1.8 nM in the original MDA-P line, showing a 14-fold increase of RH1 resistance. CCT128930 Next, we tested the RH1 ability to induce apoptosis in both cell lines by applying two different biological assessments. Apoptosis induction by RH1 was measured using acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining (Physique 1C). The significant difference in the RH1-induced apoptotic cell death was observed at concentrations of RH1 reaching IC50 concentration for MDA-R cells. Additionally, annexin-based apoptosis assay exhibited that RH1 causes apoptotic cell death and confirmed that MDA-R were more resistant to RH1-induced apoptosis compared to MDA-P (Physique 1D). It is widely accepted that NQO1 contributes most to the RH1 activation by its reduction. As previously shown, NQO2 can also catalyze two- and four-electron reduction reactions on quinones [21] and is potential RH1 bioactivating enzyme [12]. To test whether any residual NQO1 or NQO2 activity in MDA-P or MDA-R contributes to RH1 reduction, we measured NQO1 and NQO2 enzyme substrate consumption kinetic rates in cell lysates. A549 cell line known for high NQO1 activity contributing to RH1 toxicity [22] was used as a positive control. Our data show that both cell lines demonstrate no observable NQO1 activity (Physique 1E) and there is no statistically significant difference between NOQ2 activity in MDA-P and MDA-R cells (Physique 1F). Since RH1 reduction potentially can generate ROS that might contribute to the drug cytotoxicity, we tested whether the treatment of cells with ROS scavengers prevents RH1 from killing breast malignancy cells. Data show that treatment of cells with DPPD (Physique 1G) or NAC (data not shown) does not compromise RH1 toxicity. Besides, NQO1 inhibitor ES936 did not affect RH1-dependent cell death either in MDA-P or in MDA-R cells (Physique 1H) supporting the hypothesis that RH1 kills MDA-MB-231 cells independently of NQO1 catalytic activity. Taken together, data show that in the CCT128930 triple unfavorable breast malignancy cells RH1 affects cell viability in the NQO1-impartial way. 2.2. Differential Global Proteomics of Breast Malignancy Cells Predicts Cellular Mechanisms of RH1 Resistance To examine changes in proteome associated with.
RT-qPCR was performed on MasterCycler RealPlex4 RT-PCR system (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany